Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad in our days.

Psalm 90:14
Is God really enough? Forty years ago, I attended a retreat whose speaker shared a personal example in answer to this. Hers is a story I’ve shared with others repeatedly and whose truth I embrace.
She and her husband, partners in ministry, had planned an event that required much work and preparation. On the day of the big event, her husband said that he’d be unable to participate, leaving her to carry the load alone. After completing the necessary tasks, she was dismayed when her husband said that he was choosing not to be present. She felt betrayed and forsaken. She cried out to the Lord about her hurt and disappointment. And then she came to her senses, declaring by faith that God is enough. After all, wasn’t the event for His glory? She was able to move through the important occasion with joy.
When human relationships disappoint—which they undoubtedly will do—we can press into our heavenly Father. We can rest in His sufficiency, knowing He will satisfy us in the morning with His ever-faithful and unfailing love.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 90:14-17


“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 29-30
  • Psalm 15
  • Matthew 23

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