"'I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel,
whom you have defied.'"
(1SAMUEL 17:45)

1 Samuel 17
Why would young David think he stood a chance against the towering Goliath? He was skilled with his sling, but he knew better than to depend on either his tiny weapon or his own limited strength against the sword and spear of Goliath. He was so linked to an unseen Power that he even refused the “benefit” of wearing the king’s armor. His secret was in knowing the source of all strength: God.

A spring might be tiny at its origin, but it can turn into a mighty river. In God’s master plan of all creation, it is not uncommon for Him to choose the small and foolish things of this world to confound the wise (see 1 Corinthians 1:27). Often we have testimony that the old adage about good things coming in small packages bears truth. Even Jesus came to us as a tiny baby one night in Bethlehem. But how magnificent that gift is!

Had David been big and strong, all present at the face-off would have seen the battle as a human one. Instead, every Philistine and Israelite – and each of us – knows that the battle is the Lord’s.

Scripture Focus

1 Samuel 17



Bible In A Year

  • Numbers 31-32
  • Psalm 77
  • John 19

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