“Praise the LORD… who crowns you with steadfast love and compassion.”

Psalm 103:4b
What change in life would cause your heart to overflow with thanksgiving to the Lord? A new job? A rebellious child come home? A report of no cancer? A debt paid? Hearing the words, “I’m sorry”?
Of all of the things God could do, the most significant is that He has crowned you with His love and compassion. It’s a love that remains into eternity, despite the many changes throughout your life in this world. It’s that steadfast love which was given to you not because you earned it, but in spite of the fact that you can’t. Through faith in His Son Jesus who perfectly obeyed God, you are crowned with His righteousness.
Aren’t you glad that God’s love for you is based not on your perfect performance, but on Jesus’? It’s why His love for you is faithful, even when your love for Him isn’t. Many things have changed and will change between now and the close of your life. What will remain the same into all eternity is this: God will never remove His crown of love from you. His Son’s hands still bear the marks to prove it. [Jonathan, Escondido, CA; second year student]

Scripture Focus

1 Chronicles 16:23-36


You likely have many reasons for thankfulness to God today. Chief above them all is that He has crowned you with His love and compassion.

Bible In A Year

  • Jeremiah 51-52
  • Psalm 127
  • 2 Corinthians 8

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